Jul. 8, 2012; Matthew 28:16-20; Guest Speaker
Sermons (Old)
When Jesus Intercedes: Part 2
In the middle portion of Jesus' high priestly prayer, Jesus reveals three importnat requests He makes on behalf of His disciples.
Jul. 1, 2012; John 17:6-19; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
When Jesus Intercedes: Part 1
In the opening of Jesus' high priestly prayer, He deepens our understanding of three important relationships.
Jun. 24, 2012; John 17:1-5; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
Getting on Our Knees
A Prayer of Faith
In Hezekiah's prayer, we see an example of the kind of faith we should aspire to show when we pray.
Jun. 10, 2012; 2 Kings 19:14-19; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
Giving Thanks for the Giver
Like Hannah, we want the focus of our thanksgiving and praise to be on the Giver rather than upon the gift.
Jun. 3, 2012; 1 Samuel 2:1-11; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
A Triple-A Prayer
The prayer of the Jerusalem church in Acts 4 can be seen as a model for prayer during times of trial and need.
May 20, 2012; Acts 4:23-31; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
Help Wanted: Someone Ordinary
The reasons for Peter and John's extraordinary boldness are shared by every Christian today.
May 13, 2012; Acts 4:1-22; Bruce Boehmer
The Perfect Gift
The grace we receive by faith in Jesus' name is a gift that goes beyond anything we can imagine.
May 6, 2012; Acts 3; Bruce Boehmer
What are we to do while we wait?
Apr. 29, 2012; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Pat Kelly