Apr. 22, 2012; Acts 2:42-47; Bruce Boehmer
Sermons (Old)
Living in Undenial
Apr. 15, 2012; Acts 2:36-41; Bruce Boehmer
Seeing and Believing
Apr. 8, 2012; Luke 24:13-32; Bruce Boehmer
Know Jesus and Know Peace
Apr. 1, 2012; Luke 19:28-44; Bruce Boehmer
The King has come to offer peace to all who will accept His terms.
The Message of Pentecost
Mar. 25, 2012; Acts 2:14-36; Bruce Boehmer
Part 4 of the series, "Our Place in His Plans "
The Power of Pentecost
Mar. 18, 2012; Acts 2:1-13; Bruce Boehmer
Part 3 of the series, "Our Place in His Plans "
Preparing for God's Plan
Mar. 11, 2012; Acts 1:12-26; Bruce Boehmer
Part 2 of the series, "Our Place in His Plans "
Our Place in His Plans
Mar. 4, 2012; Acts 1:1-11; Bruce Boehmer
Part 1 of the series, "Our Place in His Plans "
"Set Us Ablaze" Mission Conference 2nd Sunday
Feb. 26, 2012, Special Guest: Ken Baker; Text: Luke 10:25-37
"Set Us Ablaze" Mission Conference
Feb. 19, 2012, Special Guest: Joe Walenciak; Text: Jeremiah 19:14-20:18