Moving in Faith Campaign


SSBC is moving in faith...

Moving locations, moving towards Jesus, asking that our hearts be moved by the Holy faith. 

In 1947, three women prayed for revival on the border of Oklahoma and Arkansas. God answered their fervent prayers by establishing State Line Tabernacle Church in September, 1948. 

In February of 2018, SSBC’s elders and deacons unanimously presented an opportunity to the church. Over 89% of SSBC’s members approved the plan to purchase a new facility and four additional acres. SSBC’s new location on S. Oak Hill St. offers additional rooms for ministries such as Mothering Matters, Love To Learn, and youth programs, as well as a sanctuary that accommodates 420 people. The nine acre property and 37,000 square foot facility provides ample space for parking and future ministry growth. 

Our new facility is a place for worship, teaching, hospitality, and encouragement. It’s also a place to go forth and connect our homes, neighborhoods, and the world to Jesus Christ—continuing the vision started 70 years ago. 

God's provision so far has been significant. With strong and unified church leadership, and congregational support, God generously provided an amazing opportunity to purchase the building for $40/sq ft. at 0% interest. As of June 2021, our initial 0% interest will expire, and we will pursue a mortgage for the remaining amount needed to pay off the building.

Many at SSBC are finishing their three-year financial commitment toward this ministry expansion, Moving in Faith, and we are so grateful! Our goal is to reduce our remaining debt as much as possible.

Will you consider giving? Every gift, any size, will make a difference!




For God’s ministry at SSBC. Ask God to lead you in giving generously to His Kingdom work.


Wholeheartedly step out in faith, trusting God with what He has placed on your heart to give. Complete a commitment card (at welcome desk in worship center foyer). You can also give online HERE.


What a privilege it is that God uses our church body, our facilities, and our finances for His good purpose. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!