Oct. 12, 2014; Acts 28:17-31; Bruce Boehmer
Sermons (Old)
Wherever We Go
Main Point: Wherever we go we want to find ways to make disciples.
Oct. 5, 2014; Acts 28:1-16; Bruce Boehmer
Working with God
Main Point: When God reveals His sovereign plan to us, we always want to work in harmony with Him.
Sept. 28, 2014; Acts 27:27-44; Bruce Boehmer
Words of Encouragement
Main Point: In the face of life's storms, God provides hope and encouragement.
Sept. 21, 2014; Acts 27:13-26; Bruce Boehmer
The Winds of Hardship
Main Point: Hardships and difficulty should not always be interpreted as signs of God's judgment.
Sept. 14, 2014; Acts 27:1-12; Bruce Boehmer
Why We Need God to Proclaim Christ
Main Point: No matter who we are we need God's help if we are going to proclaim the gospel.
Sept. 7, 2014; Acts 26:19-32; Bruce Boehmer
Appointed to Serve
Main Point: As believers we are appointed to serve and to witness for Jesus Christ.
Aug. 31,2014; Acts 26:12-18; Bruce Boehmer
Transforming Hope
Main Point: The hope of the gospel alters both our worldview and our world.
Aug. 24, 2014; Acts 25:22-26:11; Bruce Boehmer
Following Jesus
May 4, 2014; Acts 25:1-22; Bruce Boehmer
Main Point: In Paul’s exchange with Festus we see two actions to avoid and two attributes to emulate for those who are serious about following Christ.
The Solution
April 27, 2014; Acts 24:22-27; Bruce Boehmer
Main Point: As we think about why faith in Christ is so important, it helps to see how it applies to all our lives past, present and future.