Jan. 25, 2015; Jonah 4:1-5; Bruce Boehmer
Main Point: God's people, called by His name, should want to bring honor to Him.
Jan. 25, 2015; Jonah 4:1-5; Bruce Boehmer
Main Point: God's people, called by His name, should want to bring honor to Him.
Main Point: God gives us second chances while maintaining all of His authority.
Nov. 30, 2014; Jonah 3:1-4; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 6
Main Point: God is our measure that helps us determine what examples we should follow and what examples we should avoid.
Nov. 23, 2014; Jonah 2:1-10; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 5
Main Point: God reveals three important truths about Himself in Jonah's story that we want to apply today.
Nov. 16,2014; Jonah 1:11-17; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 4
Series: God's Great Grace
Main Point: How we answer the question, "Who are you?" is crucial because of who God is.
Nov. 6, 2014; Jonah 1:7-10; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 3
Series: God's Great Grace
Main Point: When God sends a storm, what matters most is our response.
Nov. 2, 2014; Jonah 1 :4-7; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 2
Series: God's Great Grace
Main Point: Sometimes we truly are our own worst enemy.
Oct. 26, 2014; Jonah 1:1-3; Bruce Boehmer; God's Great Grace 1
Series: God's Great Grace