Sermons (Old)
He is Emmanuel
Dec 23, 2012; John 1:10-14; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Who is this Child?
In Jesus Christ, the fullness of God's glory and grace is uniquely revealed to all who will believe.
He is our Savior
He is the Light
He is the Word
Dec 2, 2012; John 1:1-3; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Who is this Child?
In just three short, simple verses John communicates volumes about Jesus.
The Hope of His Presence
Worship in Spirit and Truth
Jul. 15, 2012; John 4:19-24; Cal Piston
When Jesus Intercedes: Part 2
In the middle portion of Jesus' high priestly prayer, Jesus reveals three importnat requests He makes on behalf of His disciples.
Jul. 1, 2012; John 17:6-19; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture
When Jesus Intercedes: Part 1
In the opening of Jesus' high priestly prayer, He deepens our understanding of three important relationships.
Jun. 24, 2012; John 17:1-5; Bruce Boehmer
Series: Prayers of Scripture